October update
October has been a busy month for the SIRCET team! We held our AGM, welcomed new trustees and volunteers, held multiple events as part of Save Kiwi month, dealt to some barberry, potted up plants at the… Read more…
October has been a busy month for the SIRCET team! We held our AGM, welcomed new trustees and volunteers, held multiple events as part of Save Kiwi month, dealt to some barberry, potted up plants at the… Read more…
October is Save Kiwi Month, and SIRCET is getting involved! In conjunction with Kiwis for Kiwi we’ve got a couple of events lined up. First off is our annual Bake Sale (aka The Great Kiwi Morning Tea)… Read more…
As part of Conservation Week we are opening the doors of our trap library. If you are interested in getting involved in trapping on the island, want to borrow one of our various traps, have any questions… Read more…
Our Pest Manager Willy has tallied the total rat number for the financial year (1st July 2017 - 30th June 2018). A total of 1875 rat catches were recorded in this period with 18,069 recorded rat trap… Read more…
Check out the latest newsletter for all the latest happenings. This edition includes our Pest Manager’s field update, monitoring results, updates you on our War On Weeds project, celebrates our wonderful… Read more…